Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Stella's Unicorn Party

unicorn party

Way back in September, Stella turned 5, we waited to celebrate with a friend party until after we moved into our current apartment.  The new place was mostly settled and the birthday girl was happy to invite her friends into her new home.

unicorn party

unicorn party

The party was right after school on the day that I nannied away from home, so everything had to be set up the night before and the morning of the party. It was a little bit crazy that day, but I like to think it added to the excitement.

unicorn party

Stella is a girl who knows what she wants and she had some very specific requests and plans for the party.
-go on a hunt for something, unicorn-ish, like our last party
-snap a group photo of her and her friends: both smiling and silly photos
-play a game
-serve cupcakes in a jar with pink frosting
-include colored pictures (made by her) for all of her guests in the favors
-display her hand drawn unicorns as decorations on the day of the party

unicorn party

unicorn party


For the hunt, I made little Unicorn hair clips for all the girls, inspired by these.

unicorn party

The girls played "Pin the Horn on the Unicorn" (or "Pin the Corn on the Uni" as Jeremy liked to call it. "Shouldn't it be called a Unihorn?  I mean, that thing on its head isn't a corn, right? Pretty sure it's a horn" he says.).  I painted the unicorn and then cut horns out of felt.

It was simple. I wish I had snapped a photo of the table, but I'll blame that on the party being right after school and my being away from home before hand. That photo wasn't one of the birthday girl's requests anyways. ;)

We keep our parties pretty simple and try to pull off something memorable and special for the kids while keeping things under a very small budget, Jeremy is in school after all, so our whole life is under a very small budget.  Sometimes having such a small budget can be frustrating, but other times it stretches my creativity and I wouldn't trade that for anything.

One more thing:  the banner in the first photo above has become a part of all the parties we throw. That project and the finished bag I shared in my post yesterday are projects from this sewing e-course. The bag and the banner along with this are some of my favorite things I've sewed and I can't wait to start my next project, a sewing machine cover, maybe I can start that one this afternoon.

If you need me, I'll be in the studio,


  1. Cute party...such an adorable theme! Ugh I know how you feel! I am in nursing school right now and my husband is getting us through on his paycheck! I try really hard to make everything "cute" on a budget!!

  2. so adorable...what a special memory this will be for her :)

  3. Thanks for the kind remarks on the party, it was so much fun to pull together!

  4. A super sweet party!
    Big Celebrations on Little Budgets!

  5. Very creative. My daughter wants a unicorn party too and I love your ideas.
