So we celebrated it by co-hosting a garage sale with some friends.
Here's the ad Jeremy wrote for craigslist:
You don't want to miss this yard sale. Trust me; I am posting this for my wife and her friend who are both compulsive decorators who rarely say "no" to buying something they want. Now, they are going to take a whole bunch of that stuff, put it out in the yard, let you rummage through it, and then give some of it to you in exchange for a little bit of money. So, seriously, if you don't show up, you'll deeply regret it for a long time. Don't put yourself through that; just come.
If you don't come, here's what you'll be missing:
scrapbooking supplies
home decor
things for kids
If I read that ad, I would be there for sure.
I hoped to capture the action throughout the sale, but we were so busy with customers and kids for 5 1/2 hours that I didn't. Any free moment was spent drinking coffee. Jeremy did capture a shot of our celebratory post-sale lunch out in the front yard.
Before the sale, Heather (the other co-host) and I did a bit of swapping. She ended up with the paper medallion I made for Christmas and a few other things.
I came home with some euro-shams, pillowcases to make pillowcase dresses for the girls and few other fun finds from her stash.
Later, Jeremy picked up these springy shoes for me to wear on our date Saturday night.
He is my go-to guy when it comes to shoes. Didn't he do a great job? He also picked out my outfit. A black dress, kelly green cardi, and these shoes, perfect for a night out with friends and delicious food and drink.
It seems the new shoes will go back in the closet for a little while longer, we are expecting snow here tomorrow.
How are you preparing for Spring? Let me know in the comments.
I would have been there! And cute yellow shoes. I love shoes.