Wednesday, February 24, 2010

apartment living

We will be downsizing when we move in just a few months, so I am gathering ideas for how to fit all of our stuff into smaller square footage. Here are a few of my favorites from my flickr page. Have I mentioned we found out we will be moving to St. Louis? We are super excited!

small space inspiration


  1. You have a beautiful apartment!!!
    Lindsey Petersen

  2. St Louis...hooray! We get so homesick for our first home every now and then. I hope you guys love every minute of it (apartment and all).

  3. We are so excited to go to St. Louis. You will have to tell us some of your favorite places from your time there.

  4. wish I was there for that yard sale! I could have gone scrapbook shopping!

    St. Louis is about 6 hours away from here and we plan on a trip there sometime. When is the big move?

  5. Gen, we are moving in June, early June. You should definitely plan a trip. The zoo is free and so are the museums!

  6. diane...i'm so excited ya'll are going to st. louis! and i can't wait to see how adorable your new place will be! great inspiration pieces!

  7. You got it. May be a LONG list. :)

  8. I have a cute on the wall pot rack that I used in my tiny kitchen in Minneapolis. You are welcome to it, it might be a good space saver and not just for pots.

  9. Kelly-that potrack sounds perfect, I would love to borrow it.
