Wednesday, January 26, 2011

a corner of our home

corner of our home

1. even when it's dark outside and the blinds are down, he's at his command post 
(note his mini-blind-camo pj's)
2. still trying to decide on curtains for the dining area. any suggestions are greatly appreciated :)
3. i've been spending lots of time in the orange chair sewing on my sewing machine, i've been churning out lots of fun projects from my home ec class i signed up for last year
4. still need take photos and post this chair along with it's three partners on craigslist
5. lincoln's new wheels, one of his favorite christmas gifts, perfect for a small apartment 
and (hello!) it's way on sale right now
6. Otto the rocker, with a mohawk and a heart shaped tat on his arm, his other favorite gift 
(he really has lot's of faves scattered around the place)
7. a car that he got for his birthday, that we celebrated two and half months late, more on that later and yes, I feel terrible it was postponed for so long.


Bennett's said...

Ok so this picture made me laugh out loud because of how often I see Lincoln's little head popping up looking out the window. I love that!

Kimber-Leigh said...

oh, he is so so cute :) love your "slice of life" pic!

Danielle said...

I love seeing the bit of Lincoln sticking out beneath the blinds. Man, I wish I could come over and babysit right this minute: I miss those kiddos.