Tuesday, March 25, 2008

We went to the zoo today, last minute, we had 40 minutes until it closed. Jeremy came home early so we hopped in the car. The girls needed to burn some energy, so the plan was to go directly to the play area. We got to see the zoo keepers feed some of the animals and we had the play area to ourselves. It was a great time.

Jeremy wrote 2 haiku this morning. I thought I would share it with you, he gave me permission.

Old House
The Kitchen floor squeaks
But no longer bothers us,
Love for our old house.

Kids would like to play outside
No yard for kids yet
Plenty of kids for yard, though
Dad needs to work fast

Also, I posted 2 projects on my d. reeves design house blog, go check it out.


Kimber-Leigh said...

love the haiku! :)

Sara said...

hey diane, I tried calling but whatever number I have says you aren't available. I would love to hang out sometime.