Monday, April 9, 2007

Please pray for my brother, sister in law and their baby

My brother Glenn, and sister in law Kelly, have been in San Francisco and the wine country on vacation this past week--they are from Houston--and on Friday, Kelly had to go into the hospital in Santa Rosa. She is due June 8, but started experiencing contractions and started dilating. They thought her water broke on Friday, but now they think it has sealed back up. They are far from home, family, church, and friends and are very scared for Robert's (the baby's) health. The doctors have given Kelly medicine to stop the contractions. Additionally, they've given her a steroid to aid in the development of Robert's lungs in case he does come this early.

Their prayer now is for Robert's health, that his lungs would be fully developed and that he would be healthy. They hope for him is remain in her womb as long as possible, ideally for at least three more weeks, that means Kelly's will be on complete bed rest until he is born. Imagine staying in bed that long, not even being able to get up to go to the bathroom. The doctors are cautious to elevate her because of gravity increasing chances of delivering Robert early.

Please pray for Kelly as she embraces the bed rest. She is taking it one step at a time, hour by hour, in order to not be overwhelmed by staying in bed that long.

Please pray for Glenn, there are lots of logistics he is trying to take care of right now. They think they will be there for at least a month. He is trying to figure out being gone from work that long, transportation, housing, etc. He is also trying to finish up their taxes.

I will keep you posted, thanks for your prayers.

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