Wednesday, May 2, 2012

May Day Baskets

For as long as I can remember I've wanted to make May Day baskets, but I never followed through with it.  This year I decided to make it happen by keeping things simple and starting out small.  The May Day basket tradition is to leave baskets of flowers at your neighbors door.  This year I left a basket of flowers at our door, waiting for each of the girls when they got home from school. I think this got the girls excited about the tradition and next year we can all work together to deliver baskets. 


I found the little pots in the dollar spot at Target, 8 for a dollar, they are small and super cute. I only used two of the pots, leaving six for us to give to our neighbors next year (planning ahead!).   

yarn flags flowers

I didn't have any fresh flowers on hand, so I decided to make a flower garland and tie it up to look like a colorful bouquet of flowers.  The garland was so easy to make, tutorial found here The yellow yarn came from Anthropologie at Christmas time.


Next year, we may purchase fresh flowers or make our own again...that all depends on the status of our bank account.   Last year, I had high hopes of delivering Christmas cookies to our neighbors but with Jeremy's finals and traveling, it was hard to make it happen and this Christmas will probably be the same.  A May basket might be a nice alternative for our family.  Plus, making our own flowers would allow me to plan ahead and have things ready to go months ahead of time.  Will someone please hold me accountable to this?  

Happy May!


  1. Absolutely adorable! I've never heard of may day baskets, but now I'm glad I have!

  2. They turned out super cute. I don't think we've done May Day baskets since we've had kids. Maybe next year?

  3. That is so adorable!!! I wanted to do something for the kids' teachers this year, but didn't get it together. We've never done anything for May Day, but I like the sentiment.
