Friday, March 30, 2012



It's almost time to flip to April! This morning, as we were walking out the door for school, Emma and Stella were dreaming up some secret April Fools pranks.  I don't know if they will actually follow through with the plans they were making, but it's fun that they are thinking about it.

This weekend I plan to finalize everything for Easter. I found some vintage dresses for the girls at a thrift store, and hope they fit.  Next on the list is finding shoes.  Lincoln will be included in the planning too-I'm just not sure what I want him to wear.  

Jeremy and I also have a date night tonight and it's perfect weather for eating outside. Brisket tacos are what I'm craving!  

Hope you have a lovely weekend!


  1. What is it about calendar flipping-over that feels so rejuvenating? It must be something to do with blank slates and new beginnings. By the way, the teacup print on your calendar is gorgeous. Do you mind telling me where it's from?

  2. i LOVE that calendar. i'm curious about the source too! hope you get to enjoy your tacos (we had some yesterday!)
