Wednesday, April 14, 2010

sprucing up the place

We have been sprucing up our house on the inside and the outside. Our small group from church had a workday at our house this past weekend. We had lawnmowers, weed eaters, edgers, hedge-trimmers, pruners, clippers, and window washers. All of that and now the outside looks nice and shiny. All of the original wavy glass windows sparkle in the sun. And we are checking all the items off of our to-do list one by one.

work day at our house

more photos of the sprucing up to come...


  1. I've always loved your sad that you have to leave it! It's exactly the style I'd like to find here in Austin.

  2. can't wait to see more pictures of the place all spruced up!

  3. I know it is exciting to see your house come together but it just reminds me that you are leaving and it makes me sad :(. But I am happy for you and can't wait to see more of what yall have been up to!
