Thursday, March 11, 2010

on thrifting

Where are your favorite places to go thrifting? Lately, I have had some success at our local Salvation Army. I REALLY like to go by myself, which means if I want to go without three extra helpers in tow, I go there about once a month. Every once and a while, I feel brave (and patient) and bring the whole gang with me.

My most recent finds are this vintage camera and this pretty fabric.

So far the fabric has been recycled into some cute beanbags for a little friend of ours and I hope to make some pretty summer dresses for the girls with the rest.

thrifted camera
pretty thrifted sheet
beanbags made from thrifted sheet

Another local place that we LOVE is Laverty's. We just added some vintage light fixtures in our kitchen that come from there. Another fun find from Laverty's was this poster, the sans serif font and all that white space had us at first glance.

new wall art

Any plans to go thrifting this weekend? Garage sale season is just around the corner. A good garage sale, a swing through Starbucks and lying on a picnic blanket in the afternoon sun sounds like a great way to spend a Saturday. Any takers?


  1. Love the fabric and the sign! I've been thrifting here and there since we moved....nothing big....just a little when I start missing it. I missed the entire garage sale season last year.
