Thursday, January 14, 2010

This is Cottage

This is Cottage is my husband's blog. He started in on January 1, with the purpose of documenting 365 days of a cottage life, our cottage life.

last day at the office

He documents the bits and pieces of our life and our home. The pretty things, the cool things, the messy things, the unfinished things, the lovely things and the unattractive things.

He is such a good writer.

He is the most creative person I know.

just the two of us

His new blog had been in the planning stages even before we found out we would be moving.

Funny how that works.

Now we will have this lovely little history to look back on.

So go and check it out.


  1. Thanks for the link! I loved reading all of Jeremy's posts so far. You are right- he is such a great writer. And I love the 365 moments at home project.

  2. Oh I love the cottage blog. It makes me homesick...even though my childhood cottage home is just down the street. :)
